
GHI One Health Center – Colombia

GHI One Health | Colombia is a collaboration between UW–Madison and Universidad Nacional de Colombia with funding from Abbott Laboratories. Growing out of a half-century of ongoing collaborations in Colombia to study tropical diseases, the center (formerly the Colombia-Wisconsin One Health Consortium) was established in 2018 to recognize and explore the deep connections between human, animal and environmental health.

The center works in five regions of Colombia, including the Amazon, to strengthen local capacity to detect and manage diseases and discover pathogens. Projects have included surveillance of Mansonella in Indigenous communities and of pathogens causing fever, genomic surveillance of SARS-COV-2 and immune responses, and monitoring the aerobiome and its association with air pollution. Read more about the center.

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OHC-Colombia / UNAL / UW–Madison

color photo of Juan Pablo Hernandez Ortiz from UNAL and GHI OHC-Colombia

Juan Pablo Hernandez Ortiz

Director, GHI One Health Center – Colombia