Wisconsin Without Borders awards application/nomination window is open

Nominations are open for UW-Madison faculty, staff and students who demonstrate excellence in interdisciplinary engagement that places local communities at the center of their work, blurring the borders between the university community. Through its annual awards, Wisconsin Without Borders recognizes work that demonstrates

  • Service Learning
  • Community Based Research
  • Multimedia examples of reflection in action

 Graduate and undergraduate students, as well as faculty and academic staff.  Individual/groups can apply directly or individuals can nominate the work of others by following the same link. Applications are due by 9:00 a.m. Monday, February 29. To access the application/nomination link, visit: http://morgridge.wisc.edu/faculty-teach-wisconsin-without-borders.

2016 winners will receive recognition and/or a small financial award of between $500 – $1,500 at the April 21 Wisconsin Without Borders Award ceremony.

For more information about the award categories, application requirements, a list of past winners, or details of the awards ceremony, please visit the Wisconsin Without Borders website .  The application/nomination form can be accessed at this site as well.

Email wiscwithoutborders@morgridge.wisc.edu with questions.

Wisconsin Without Borders is a UW-Madison alliance and award program that recognizes globally engaged interdisciplinary scholarship and fosters excellence by networking through joint learning activities. Every spring, the organization honors projects that demonstrate excellence in local and global community engagement at the Wisconsin Without Borders Awards Ceremony.