Research: Resource Security: Food, Water & Energy

GHI and the One Health Centers support basic and translational research in Resource Security: Food, Water & Energy.

How we do it:

  1. Identifying networks and facilitate collaboration with communities, colleagues, governments, and industry to address social, political, environmental, and economic factors that shape food, water, and energy scarcity and distribution.
  2. Providing in-country monitoring and diagnostics to help formulate and identify best practices for sustainable and adequate food, water, energy, and safety from environmental disasters.
  3. Providing modeling tools for recognizing and forecasting scarcities that impede resource production and distribution and for studying the nexus of food, water, energy, and human behavior.
  4. Facilitating in-country Institutional Review Board approvals, internal logistics and financial transactions, and connect investigators with overlapping interests
  5. Facilitating thoughtful connections with industry that are advised by and advance the interests of local communities. These would include addressing local ecosystems and needs identified by communities.

Some examples of UW–Madison research supported by efforts with GHI in the area of Resource Security: Food, Water & Energy