GHI’s Global Health Tuesday Webinar Series is back! Join us on Tuesday, October 31, from 9-10am (note the earlier time of day), when Nancy Kendall, GHI Advisory Member and Professor of Educational Policy Studies & Director of Development Studies Program at UW-Madison’s School of Education, leads the conversation.
Panelists included Isaac Phiri, Zikani Kaunda, and Chrissie Thakwalakwa. Click here to watch the webinar recording on YouTube.
Meet the Moderator:
Nancy Kendall, PhD, is a professor of educational policy studies. Her research examines the consequences of national and international policies and funding streams directed at improving the lives and wellbeing of children, communities, and states positioned as “marginalized” by national and international regimes.
Research projects have examined Education for All, political democratization and educational governance, structural adjustment and education, US higher education, sexuality and HIV/AIDS education, and gender and schooling. Kendall has conducted extended research in Malawi, Mozambique, and the U.S., and has conducted short-term research in Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Zimbabwe. Kendall was a 2009 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation postdoctoral fellow, and 2019 recipient of the Lyle Spencer Foundation Award. She has received research support from the Fulbright Foundation, Social Science Research Council, TAG Philanthropic Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation, WT Grant Foundation, and Lumina Foundation, among others. She is the author of The Sex Education Debates (University of Chicago Press, 2012), and has published in journals including Compare, Comparative Education Review, Current Issues in Comparative Education, Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability, International Journal of Educational Development, and Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Kendall is the Director of the African Studies Program and the Development Studies Program. She is also affiliated with the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and a member of the 4W Leadership Circle and the Advisory Committee for the Global Health Initiative.
Meet the Panelists:
Isaac Phiri, a Program Manager for the Institute for Participatory Engagement and Quality Improvement (IPEQI); a Malawian based Non-Profit organization working to improve the lives of vulnerable and marginalized people in Malawi, and other developing countries, through effective participatory engagement and quality improvement. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at Educational Policy Studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison, with research interest in education and health access, community-based approaches to One Health, implementation research, monitoring and evaluation for quality improvement, digital health, and community-based action research. He has a Masters of Public Health from Faculty of Health Sciences at American University of Beirut, and a Bachelors of Education, University of Malawi.
Dr. Zikani (ZEE-KAN-EE) Kaunda (KAH-OON-DAH) is the Chief of Party of the five-year USAID Strengthening Higher Education Accesses in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA) that is being implemented by Arizona State University, as well as the Founder and Managing Director for the Institute for Participatory Engagement and Quality Improvement (IPEQI). He has over 20 years experience in planning, implementing, and monitoring programs in education, HIV /AIDS, youth, gender, agriculture, natural resource management and other community development areas.
Chrissie Thakwalakwa (THAK-WAH-LAK-WAH) is a Health Specialist, Nutritionist, and Research Scientist at the Centre for Social Research at the University of Malawi, where she currently manages and oversees research, training, consultancy and outreach activities. Her research focus is exploring effective interventions to tackle development problems affecting different communities and determining policy implications of the different interventions.