B.S., Agricultural Engineering, India;
M.S., Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Penn State;
Ph.D., Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Penn State
Krishnapuram Karthikeyan is a professor of water quality engineering in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. His research has focused on the development and assessment of management practices to minimize water quality impacts of agricultural/animal production activities and municipal wastewater disposal. His primary contributions are in four categories: (i) environmental fate/transformation of nutrients/contaminants, (ii) identification of sediment/nutrient source areas, (iii) development of innovative waste treatment technologies and (iv) application of hydrological/geochemical models. Karthikeyan’s research has been continuously funded by a variety of sources: federal (USDA, NSF, USGS, USEPA, USDOE), WI state agencies, international and industry. Karthikeyan has published over 75 articles and received over $9 million in competitive grants funding. He teaches courses on soil & water conservation, on-site wastewater treatment, watershed hydrology and agricultural non-point source pollution. Karthikeyan has directly advised 31 graduate students (15 PhDs) and 8 post-doctoral researchers. He has served on editorial boards and review committees for scientific journals, USDA grant review panels, academia and professional societies. He spent 2.5 years as a Visiting Professor abroad (Carnegie Mellon-Qatar), which presented opportunities to work as a consultant for the Qatar Environment & Energy Research Institute and the Qatar National Food Security Program.