Connecting Landscapes: Adriana Olivares

The University of Wisconsin and University of Guadalajara (UdeG) system campuses have a long, rich history of collaboration. In the past year, a multidisciplinary team of UW scholars were fortunate enough to have had the support of an IRIS-funded grant, titled “Connecting Landscapes,” to do some targeted work with UdeG colleagues to build an even stronger platform for ongoing collaboration, and to do some pilot programming in a Guadalajara high school related to youth environmental engagement under the Earth Partnerships model. These activities were centered around the development of the exciting new UdeG project, the Museo de Ciencias Ambientales, under the direction of UW Alum Eduardo Santana. Over the course of this past year or so, multiple exchanges between Wisconsin and Jalisco have launched work that will continue well past the life of the IRIS funding.

Adriana I. Olivares González is involved in the Research Center for Environment and Territorial Management at the University of Guadalajara. Her present role in the Museo de Ciencias Ambientales project is research in the project centered around “every day mobility and environment” particularly in vulnerable groups. She is visiting UW on a GHI-sponsored grant.