Blood Drive at GHI: December 4, 2024

Donate to help the blood shortage and UW–Madison’s chance at $1 million

GHI is working with the Red Cross to host a blood drive on Wednesday, December 4, from 10am-3pm (CST), in our board room at the Medical Sciences Center building (MSC 1010). Our blood drive is part of The Big Ten and Abbott’s We Give Blood Drive campaign to fight the largest blood shortage in a generation. The campaign pits school against school, where the winning Big Ten university receives $1 million dollars for student and/or community health programs.  

There will be free snacks and pairs of Friends-themed socks (while supplies last) for those giving blood on December 4th. Space is limited, so register today with this link.

If you can’t make our blood drive, Badgers have until December 6, to give blood at a location of their choice and record their donation with the We Give Blood Drive campaign to save lives, and give UW–Madison the chance of possibly winning the $1 million prize for student or community health programs! If you’ve never given blood before, here is a video from the Red Cross to inspire you through it.

As part of the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition, GHI knows the importance of collaboration in advancing global health. Let’s raise awareness of the importance of blood donations. Donate today and show your Badgers spirit! If interested, listen to Coach Fickell’s special video here.