The University of Wisconsin-Madison Communication Collaborative for COVID-19 Response has developed 10 essential steps to limit the spread of COVID-19. They reflect the overall need for maintaining a physical distance from each other, washing you hands and staying home:
- Physical distancing means avoiding non-essential outings and staying six feet from others when you go out.
- Together with frequent handwashing, physical distancing can slow the spread and reduce illness and death.
- There are many activities inside and out that you can do to care for yourself and others.
10 ways you can do your part
(Download the PDF: Going the Distance Together)
- Stay at home as much as possible, going out only for critical needs like groceries, medicine. Limit essential outings to once a week. If you are an essential worker –thank you from all of us!
- Maintain a distance of six feet away from others when you leave home. Do not greet with hugs, or kisses, or handshakes, and limit your total circle of contact to a maximum of five people.
- Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands frequently — especially when you enter and exit home and work, before preparing food and eating, when you use the toilet. Wash surfaces that are touched frequently or used for food preparation. Also cough into your elbow, and don’t touch your face.
- If you are sick …. Most people will be able to recover at home. If you have trouble breathing seek medical attention but call, and refrain from using public transportation to go to the doctor. Stay in your own sick room and use a separate bathroom if you can. You can stop isolating yourself (but don’t stop physical distancing) when you have 72 hours (three days) without fever, symptoms have improved, and at least seven days have passed since symptoms appeared.
- It’s okay to go outside! Enjoy fresh air and open spaces, to take a walk, work in your garden, walk your dog etc.—but stay strict about keeping a safe six feet distance from others.
- Stay connected with others. Use phone, social media, letters, games and hobbies daily to stay connected. Remember, we can still give and receive companionship, love and support.
- Develop routines for yourself and your loved ones. Daily and weekly structure will help everyone to stay calm.
- Make your home as comfortable as possible. Rearrange to meet needs for work, safety, care, exercise and play.
- Take care of yourself – rest well, and enjoy music, books, movies, drawing or writing, meditation or prayer, enjoying nature, or exercise. Relaxation, recreation and enjoyment are essential at difficult times.
- Be a supportive, generous and kind community member in every way that you can! Provide support of all kinds (safely) to those who are isolated, more susceptible to Illness, subject to stigma, or in need in other ways.
- For General Assistance: Dial 211 for referral to social services in your community.
- For Emergency: Dial 911.
- For Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233 (National Domestic Abuse Hotline). For Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-8255 (The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).
Learn more about the UW-Madison Communication Collaborative for COVID19 Coronavirus Response:
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